4 Quotes & Sayings By Mitch Kynock

Mitch Kynock is the owner of MitchKynock.com an online business that gives you the tools to unleash your potential at work and in life. You can learn more about Mitch on his blog, which you can find here http://mitchkynock.com. He is also the author of "Learn How To Handle Stress At Work"

Never feel that you are alone, as someone is always be your side. Mitch Kynock
Intuition is given only to him who has undergone long preparation to receive it.- Louis Pasteur Mitch Kynock
We look wishfully to emergencies, to eventful, revolutionary times...and think how easy to have taken our part when the drum was rolling and the house was burning over our heads. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Mitch Kynock